He died outside the garden
Jesus is the second Adam who came to deal with the sin that the first Adam committed in the first garden. Jesus died outside the garden so that He might bring back into the garden [...]
Jesus is the second Adam who came to deal with the sin that the first Adam committed in the first garden. Jesus died outside the garden so that He might bring back into the garden [...]
The world look at Christians as a bunch of fools who follow a myth of a criminal who died on a Roman cross. The outward appearance of the cross seems to display foolishness [...]
No passage in the Bible is more biting, more pointed, and more grave than this pronouncement of Christ upon the false teachers. He saved the most ferocious words [...]
Not every Christian is operating out of the same spirit. There are imposters in the church with Jezebel spirit deploying Charismatic witchery to build their business and taking millions to [...]
Human pride despises the truth that God is absolutely sovereign. Many wrestle with this idea of 'Sovereignty of God and Freewill of Man' and try to give all kinds of explanations, but [...]
Some may choose to observe Lent while others may choose not to, and both are free to do so according to their conscience. If you plan on giving up something for Lent, then give up [...]
If God has dropped all charges against us, then why do we have to ask for forgiveness again? Does our salvation depend on our forgiving others? Do we lose our salvation unless we [...]
How should a Gospel-Centered Christian respond? Should we call out false teachers, or, should we rest in God’s ultimate knowledge, and be careful not to pronounce judgment before [...]
The Bible defines a fool as one who exists apart from God. The law of God does not bind the conscience of a fool. But, a wise man is one who fears God, knows God, and lives in accord [...]