Responding to Christian persecution
The ever-present danger of Christian persecution helped to keep believers close to the Lord and one another, to keep their distance from worldly pleasures, and to weed out those who [...]
The ever-present danger of Christian persecution helped to keep believers close to the Lord and one another, to keep their distance from worldly pleasures, and to weed out those who [...]
Even when God was pouring out His wrath upon Jesus, He was fully pleased with His beloved Son while carrying out His plan. They both were intimately working together to [...]
Christ becomes the model for how believers are to endure suffering for righteousness’ sake. We are not only to respond to trials the way Christ did but also to anticipate great victories [...]
Jesus did not come to negotiate or teach how to peacefully cope with evil. Remaining silent and inactive about evil is not biblical and it is a sin for which people will be held accountable [...]
Love is not without boundaries; God has clearly defined its limits. Love is not always righteous, godly, or acceptable in God's sight. There are kinds of love that God hates [...]
God has saved us to do good works and destined us to be like His Son Jesus. In this journey, God has provided us with every tool that is necessary for us to perform our mandate. [...]
Many people give because of fear, or in return for a favor from God. While the Bible commands Christians to be good stewards of their money, is tithing commanded for Christians? [...]
It was the first question that God ever asked of man, and it is a universal question to every sinner to this day. It's not about your physical location, rather it's about your spiritual [...]
Christians claim that the Bible is the Word of God. So, how do we justify this claim? If the bible is not trustworthy then Christianity does not stand on a worthy foundation [...]