Where are you?
It was the first question that God ever asked of man, and it is a universal question to every sinner to this day. It's not about your physical location, rather it's about your spiritual condition [...]
It was the first question that God ever asked of man, and it is a universal question to every sinner to this day. It's not about your physical location, rather it's about your spiritual condition [...]
Today what we hear from the evangelical pulpit is about a God who has been defanged and tamed, and a God who is innocuous. Many preachers are saying that God unconditionally love [...]
There is only one ground on which a sinner is accepted in the presence of a holy God. That is, based on the "righteousness of God in Jesus Christ". The cross is the crown and glory of [...]
Any sacrifices being made today are unbiblical and unable to accomplish anything. Any priests today are false claimants to a special priesthood since now we are all priests. [...]
The saving work of Christ was completed on the cross and stands complete. There is nothing more to be done by God or any man. To add anything to the finished work that Christ did [...]
When God describes His final redemption chapter in Scripture, He simplifies the revelation. Father assigned a specific task to Jesus and He returned to heaven, with the [...]
There is a popular concept among Christians that there is some inherent power in the blood of Jesus. We see this idea frequently coming up in hymns, praise songs and [...]