Where are you?
It was the first question that God ever asked of man, and it is a universal question to every sinner to this day. It's not about your physical location, rather it's about your spiritual [...]
It was the first question that God ever asked of man, and it is a universal question to every sinner to this day. It's not about your physical location, rather it's about your spiritual [...]
There is only one ground on which a sinner is accepted in the presence of a holy God. That is, based on the "righteousness of God in Jesus Christ". The cross is the crown and glory of [...]
In the grand scheme of redemption, one of the principal things God is doing is transforming sinners into worshippers. Worship is not optional. If you are a Christian, you are a [...]
Instead of adding weights it provides wings; instead of bondage it provides freedom; instead of misery it provides fullness of joy; instead of despair it provides genuine hope. [...]
This is one of the passages of scripture that is misunderstood, and often used to preach pacifism, to teach lawlessness and even to instruct on anti-capital punishments [...]
There is an illusion of peace . The world loves a lie as long as it portrays the illusion of peace. Peacemakers are not quiet people or compromisers who want to make no waves [...]
Today we live in a society where people are being victimized by the constant flood of false doctrines. They all come from the appearance of being Christian. The biggest satanic lie is [...]
Today the Christmas story is more influenced by filmmakers, painters, storytellers, and illustrators than the Gospel writers. Christmas narratives are co-opted by alternate stories [...]
What makes Christianity apart from any other religion of the world can be summarized in two words: Jesus Christ. He is the center and foundation of the Christian faith, and He also [...]