Sufficiency of the Scripture
God has saved us to do good works and destined us to be like His Son Jesus. In this journey, God has provided us with every tool that is necessary for us to perform our mandate. [...]
To Tithe or Not
Many people give because of fear, or in return for a favor from God. While the Bible commands Christians to be good stewards of their money, is tithing commanded for Christians? [...]
Where are you?
It was the first question that God ever asked of man, and it is a universal question to every sinner to this day. It's not about your physical location, rather it's about your spiritual condition [...]
Spiritual adultery
If you are in love with the world then you're an enemy of God. God becomes our enemy rather than we become his enemy. It is a dreadful thing that God becomes our enemy [...]
The Color of the Love is Red
Today what we hear from the evangelical pulpit is about a God who has been defanged and tamed, and a God who is innocuous. Many preachers are saying that God unconditionally love [...]
Glory in The Cross
There is only one ground on which a sinner is accepted in the presence of a holy God. That is, based on the "righteousness of God in Jesus Christ". The cross is the crown and glory of [...]