If there is one book in the world given to men by the divine authority, that is the Bible. The Bible is the divinely inspired Word of God. That book contains everything a man needs to know to come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and to live a holy life conforming to the character of Christ. We indeed need other resources like commentaries, systematic theology books, history books, language tools, and expository teaching to understand the various aspects of the Bible, but they are all secondary.

The term “inspiration” in the Bible is not the same as we commonly use it today. A person can be inspired by watching something or listening to some music. But, the Bible claims that it is the very breath of God. This inspiration is not from dreams, visions, feelings, or mystical experiences by the authors. It is a special revelation from God. It was recorded by man, but the content didn’t originate with man. The writers were not inspired; what they recorded is what was inspired. The Holy Spirit was the divine agent who carried or led the authors so that what they wrote was God-breathed Scripture. Every individual word in the Bible has proceeded from the mouth of God. That’s why when we come to the Bible we study individual words.

Paul says that scripture is useful for four things:

    This does not refer to the act of teaching but to the content of the teaching—the divine revelation and sound doctrine found in the scriptures. Scripture is beneficial for teaching what is true and right. It is to be used to instruct people to know God better and to live life effectively.
    This has to do with the right diagnosis of the problem. It is meant to expose what is wrong and to bring conviction of sin. This is necessary for both salvation and sanctification. No one will ever be saved without understanding what’s wrong with him. The only person who will be saved is the one who had the reproof of scripture, was convicted of his sin, and recognized his need for the savior. Also, as believers we need to be told constantly of things that are holding us back from growing.
    This is to restore someone from a fallen state and put him back in the right order. This deals with the question of ‘how to make what is wrong right’. It shows us how to come back to God when we depart from the ‘first love’; it shows us how to be on fire for God again.
    As believers, we always are in training. We always need to grow in our righteousness. The Word of God helps believers to be built up spiritually be edified, and be disciplined. The Word of God is a lamp to the believer’s feet, showing the path to live righteously in this corrupt world. It is the power of the Word of God that restrains us from sin and stimulates our spiritual growth.

God has saved us to do good works and destined us to be like His Son Jesus. In this journey, God has provided us with every tool that is necessary for us to perform our mandate. The Word of God can meet all the demands that God places on the believer.