Clouds without water
There is only one gospel, and the prosperity teaching is not a gospel; it is a shameless fraud and a perfect scam as it plays into the troubles, fears and hopes of millions of people [...]
There is only one gospel, and the prosperity teaching is not a gospel; it is a shameless fraud and a perfect scam as it plays into the troubles, fears and hopes of millions of people [...]
We have seen bullies on the playground, schools and workplaces. But what do you do when you encounter them in the church? People are being hurt by the very people who [...]
We live in a time of widespread deception. Data breaches, identity theft, phone and email scams everywhere. While these schemes can cost people financially, spiritual deception can [...]
Faith comes to the believer as a gift from God. It is not something that individuals are capable of mustering up on their own. Apart from the new birth, there can be no true faith. [...]
Instead of adding weights it provides wings; instead of bondage it provides freedom; instead of misery it provides fullness of joy; instead of despair it provides genuine hope. [...]
New year resolutions are common among Christians and non-Christians alike. If a Christian is determined to make a New Year’s resolution, what kind of resolution should [...]
This is one of the passages of scripture that is misunderstood, and often used to preach pacifism, to teach lawlessness and even to instruct on anti-capital punishments [...]
There is an illusion of peace . The world loves a lie as long as it portrays the illusion of peace. Peacemakers are not quiet people or compromisers who want to make no waves [...]
Today we live in a society where people are being victimized by the constant flood of false doctrines. They all come from the appearance of being Christian. The biggest satanic lie is [...]