Lent or not
Some may choose to observe Lent while others may choose not to, and both are free to do so according to their conscience. If you plan on giving up something for Lent, then give up [...]
Some may choose to observe Lent while others may choose not to, and both are free to do so according to their conscience. If you plan on giving up something for Lent, then give up [...]
If God has dropped all charges against us, then why do we have to ask for forgiveness again? Does our salvation depend on our forgiving others? Do we lose our salvation unless we [...]
How should a Gospel-Centered Christian respond? Should we call out false teachers, or, should we rest in God’s ultimate knowledge, and be careful not to pronounce judgment before [...]
The Bible defines a fool as one who exists apart from God. The law of God does not bind the conscience of a fool. But, a wise man is one who fears God, knows God, and lives in accord [...]
Today the Christmas story is more influenced by filmmakers, painters, storytellers, and illustrators than the Gospel writers. Christmas narratives are co-opted by alternate stories [...]
What makes Christianity apart from any other religion of the world can be summarized in two words: Jesus Christ. He is the center and foundation of the Christian faith, and He also [...]
There is serious deception among Christians. If you cannot identify any voices you hear as false, it’s not because you aren’t being exposed, but because you’re falling for it in some way [...]
God is merciful and gracious, that is the reason why sinners live. But that mercy has limits. Sinners should settle the case before they get to court before they appear in the final [...]
God brings weakness into our lives to expose pride, to expose things that we trust in and lean upon over and above God. God strip those things from us to remind us that our faith and trust [...]