The trustworthiness of the Bible is attacked by people and the media everyday. Many skeptics have challenged that the Scriptures merely provide modern readers with myths and literary fictions from the ancient world. But, Christians claim that the Bible is the Word of God. So, how do we justify this claim? How do we give an answer for our faith in the Bible’s trustworthiness?
It is not the question of whether we believe the Bible is the Word of God, but how we know the Bible is really the Word of God. The answer to this question is fundamental to the Christian faith. It is important to know the answer because every Christian has put their destiny on the line in this book. If the bible is not trustworthy then Christianity does not stand on a worthy foundation.
Christians have already answered the question regarding the trustworthiness of the Bible using the historical evidence. There is a staggering amount of historical evidence proving the authenticity of the Bible that cannot be denied. However, historical evidences are not the only way we know the Bible is from God. The best defense for the Bible’s trustworthiness is in the pages of the Bible itself; in its self-authenticating nature.
Self-Authenticating Nature of the Bible
When we say the Bible is self-authenticating, we are not merely saying that the Bible is true because it claims to be the Word of God. While it is true, it is not a valid logical argument, because it uses the conclusion to prove its conclusion. In contrast, when we say the Bible is self-authenticating, it means that Scripture bears certain qualities and attributes within itself that testify to its divine origins. Whether someone sees these indicators is a different question altogether, but they are there, and God’s people recognize His handwriting (John 10:27).
- The Beauty and Excellency
We find the words in the Bible to be beautiful, excellent, sweet to the ear and nourishing to the soul, because Christ is beautiful and excellent. The Bible is more than a book of true information. You can read a lot of books and find a lot of information. You can read a book written by William Shakespeare and find a lot of information. But, one thing for sure, you will not meet Shakespeare there. But when you read the Bible, you will get to meet the author; for Christ manifests Himself in the pages of the scripture.
- The Power and Efficacy
The Bible is a living book. It is alive as its author is alive. The words in this book do something to the reader. It convicts, judges, rebukes, teaches and is able to save the sinner. The Word of God is powerful, not only to give life, but also to deliver warnings and bring judgment and punishment to the disobedient. The word of God needs no defense whatsoever; it can defend itself. The word of God is effective in producing an intended result and sufficient for life and godliness.
- The Unity and Harmony
The Bible is not a compilation of separate 66 books; it is one completed unit, telling one unified story without any internal contradictions from Genesis to Revelation. There is absolute consistency across 66 different books, written on three different continents (Asia, Africa and Europe), in three different languages (Aramaic, Hebrew and Greek), by 40 different authors from different walks of life (kings, generals, fishermen, doctors, tax collectors and historians), on hundreds of various subjects over a period of 1500 years. There is no man-made book found to be in such harmony. Only a divine author could do that.
Every true believer in Jesus Christ can know the Bible is God’s word without having to become an expert in biblical archaeology, ancient manuscripts, or other kinds of historical evidence. The pages of Scripture bear the fingerprints of the maker that all Christians can, with the help of the Holy Spirit, know it is from God.
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