Call to embrace weakness
God brings weakness into our lives to expose pride, to expose things that we trust in and lean upon over and above God. God strip those things from us to remind us that our faith and trust [...]
God brings weakness into our lives to expose pride, to expose things that we trust in and lean upon over and above God. God strip those things from us to remind us that our faith and trust [...]
God is merciful and full of love, but to believe that we can earn the hearing with God without Christ is the greatest possible offence to God. Bible teaches us that we have no basis of [...]
There are two thieves of the working of the gospel in Christian life. One is antinomianism, which abuses Christian freedom given by the gospel by rejecting the obligatory nature of [...]
Here we are in the last week of Jesus earthly ministry. God is about to write the final redemption chapter in the scripture. In his 3 years of public ministry, [...]
There are numerous forces in this world that threaten to destroy our lives. One of the forces is other people -wars destroy human lives. Violent humans, gangs pose a threat [...]
It is mine to avenge; I will repay. In due time their foot will slip; their day of disaster is near and their doom rushes upon them. - Deuteronomy [...]
Jews knew the Tanakh very well. They knew God had promised to send Messiah through a woman in the Davidic line. For centuries they were anxiously waiting for this [...]