Religion is a system of belief that connects people to their deities. When we look at the world there are many forms of religions. Even though we see thousands of religions on the surface, in fact, there are only two distinct religions in the world: that is the true religion of God and the false religion of Satan in various forms (1 Cor 8:5-6; 1 Cor 10:20; 1 Tim 4:1). These two religions have two philosophies and two assurances leading to two different ultimate destinations. Christianity is the only true religion that leads men to heaven while all the other religions of the world lead men to hell.
If I were not a Christian, and if I were to ask a question from a few different Christians, “What does Christianity offer to me? Why should I become a Christian, and not a Hindu or Buddhist?”, I would expect to receive so many different answers for sure. Among all these answers, one common presentation of Christianity today is that it offers health, wealth, success, peace of mind, a certain level of tranquility, a better job, a better career, a better marriage, the fulfillment of my dreams and all the other perks in this world. Another common assumption is that Christianity adds unnecessary weights and a bunch of new rules that limit all the fun this life has to offer. Is that what true Christianity offers?
What’s in it for me?
There is widespread confusion concerning the presentation of true Christianity. From ages, people have complicated what seems to be a very simple answer to this question. The simple, straightforward and biblically accurate answer is, it offers Christ and His works. The supreme theme of the scripture is Christ. To become a Christian, all you need is Christ. “In Him, you have been made complete” (1 Col. 2:10). If you have Christ, you have everything; and if you don’t, you have nothing. Paul sums up the significance of having Christ, “By the works of God you are in Christ Jesus, who became to us wisdom from God, and righteousness and sanctification, and redemption” (1 Cor 1:30). The true Christian message is simple, and it has only one message. The message is, you can receive all spiritual blessings in the heavenlies (Eph 1:3).
Here are the blessings that Christianity offers:
Transformation from death to life:
You will receive the forgiveness of all your sins, and complete victory over the hosts of hell (Col 2:11-15). God changes your identity from “sinner” to “child of God.”
Spirit-empowered life:
You will be given everything you need for living a godly life through the relationship with Christ (2 Peter 1:3). It gives the godly wisdom, contentment, power to endure hardship, pain, weakness, and loss.
Freedom from man-made practices and rituals:
You do not have to commit to a religion of human achievement to become a Christian (Col 2:16-17). You do not need to participate in sacraments, ceremonies, or speak in tongues to be a Christian.
Freedom to enjoy God’s provision:
Christians are not called to live a monastic lifestyle to achieve spirituality. You do not have to throw away what you own, be poor, and start living in self-denial and self-imposed deprivation. God is the one who provides everything for our enjoyment (1 Tim 6:17).
Protection and guidance:
You are transferred from one regime to another regime – from a slave of Satan to a adopted son of God. You will be under new rules. Obeying God’s rules is obedience and not a burden. Any limits attached to Christianity are only those intended to save you from hardship and the destructive power of sin.
Christianity is about what you get—not what you give up! Instead of adding weights it provides wings; instead of bondage it provides freedom; instead of misery it provides fullness of joy; instead of despair it provides genuine hope. Christianity offers an abundant life that never ends (Jn 10:10; Jn 11:25-26).
Recommended reading:
Our Sufficiency in Christ, By John MacArthur
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