Road to hell
Did Christ die, or did He not die? Was His death worthwhile, or was it not? If His death was worthwhile, it follows that our salvation does not come by our achievements. [...]
Did Christ die, or did He not die? Was His death worthwhile, or was it not? If His death was worthwhile, it follows that our salvation does not come by our achievements. [...]
Everyone has always wanted to know the future. From ancient times, man has consulted fortune-tellers, spirit mediums, and Psychics. He has gazed into crystal balls, studied the zodiac [...]
History is nothing but an endless cycle of repetition. Men and nations follow the same cycle of life. They all begin with glory and success but end up in chaos and destruction [...]
God is in the business of transforming lives. It is not like putting a new suit of clothes on a man. It is like putting a new man in a suit of clothes. It is not superficial and it is not a repair job [...]
There is no outside force that can change man, and there is none. Because man does not have an outside problem. If you want to transform a man, he has to be transformed from [...]
God is merciful and full of love, but to believe that we can earn the hearing with God without Christ is the greatest possible offence to God. Bible teaches us that we have no basis of [...]
There are two thieves of the working of the gospel in Christian life. One is antinomianism, which abuses Christian freedom given by the gospel by rejecting the obligatory nature of [...]
Any sacrifices being made today are unbiblical and unable to accomplish anything. Any priests today are false claimants to a special priesthood since now we are all priests. [...]
The saving work of Christ was completed on the cross and stands complete. There is nothing more to be done by God or any man. To add anything to the finished work that Christ did [...]