Where are you?
It was the first question that God ever asked of man, and it is a universal question to every sinner to this day. It's not about your physical location, rather it's about your spiritual [...]
It was the first question that God ever asked of man, and it is a universal question to every sinner to this day. It's not about your physical location, rather it's about your spiritual [...]
If you are in love with the world then you're an enemy of God. God becomes our enemy rather than we become his enemy. It is a dreadful thing that God becomes our enemy [...]
People have no difficulty in accepting that God is a God of love; but they have a difficulty in believing how God can be a God of anger, a God of wrath, a God of fury, and a God of [...]
There is only one ground on which a sinner is accepted in the presence of a holy God. That is, based on the "righteousness of God in Jesus Christ". The cross is the crown and glory of [...]
God appointed only men as elders and pastors in the church and gave strict orders for women to keep quiet with full submission to the male authority. Christ knows best how to order [...]
Christians claim that the Bible is the Word of God. So, how do we justify this claim? If the bible is not trustworthy then Christianity does not stand on a worthy foundation [...]
Seeking after God is a Christian enterprise. It is a lifelong pursuit of living one's life in the presence of God, under the authority of God, to the honor and the glory of God [...]
From the beginning until today enemies have made relentless attempts to defeat Christ and His church. We must not assume that things on earth are too bad for God to intervene and [...]
In the grand scheme of redemption, one of the principal things God is doing is transforming sinners into worshippers. Worship is not optional. If you are a Christian, you are a [...]